For the past 5 years I have not bought a handbag. No, really. I've invested in a few shells for my Miche, but no real bag. And in the years that I was buying bag I'd spend $20-$40 on inexpensive bags. This weekend I started browsing eBay looking at designer bags and decided that I would splurge on some pre-owned designer fare.
Years ago I bought the Fendi bag pictured below on eBay and even though I'm fairly certain it's not authentic, I love the shape of it so I don't really worry about that. The brown Nine West is a gift from an old boyfriend (shhh, don't tell Dean that, lol!). There's no sentiment behind it but the particular shade of brown is hard to come by.
Years ago I bought the Fendi bag pictured below on eBay and even though I'm fairly certain it's not authentic, I love the shape of it so I don't really worry about that. The brown Nine West is a gift from an old boyfriend (shhh, don't tell Dean that, lol!). There's no sentiment behind it but the particular shade of brown is hard to come by.
Stay tuned for my reveals over the next week as I get my pieces. I even prepared by lining my closet shelves with new black faux leather liner. This is going to be awesome!