Once upon a time (i.e. from 2005-2008) I had my blog set up on MSN Live Spaces. I blogged all the time about all kinds of things going on in my life- my wedding, my life in New York, our move to Texas and of course, the addition of my son Seth. At some point in time MSN pulled the plug on Live Spaces and I must have missed the memo on when they would be pulling the data offline. By the time Spaces went away I had already made my move to Blogger, so I didn't even notice this had happened. When I did, I was heartbroken that I hadn't had a chance to save all my info...until I recently remembered that I had 'clipped' each month into a notebook in Evernote. So, in keeping with my renewed commitment to my blog, I've started posting all those old entries in the blog. If you're interested in what was going on with me about 8 years ago, check out my archives section and you can find out all about my Treo, Tapwave Zodiac and Microsoft Zune.