Yesterday morning I went to the Verizon store and finally got my Galaxy Tab! First impressions are extremely favorable:
-Love the size- its thinner and sleeker than the Cherrypad and the body feels more comfortable
-Capacitive screen- I will never again underestimate the importance of not using a resistive screen.
-I was able to get it with a $20 plan off-contract which is a plus; I thought the plan would be $30 for some reason.
-Slingplayer works perfectly on it in full size- that is exactly what I was hoping for.
-Its fast- no lags or pauses while moving back and forth. That may also be because of the extra memory which means that I don't have to move applications to the memory card.
-I ordered this lovely Zenus case and I'm excited to receive it:
More details later, but I'm very pleased overall!