Ever since the days of Wakefieldsoft's HealthFile for Windows Mobile I've been looking for a way to manage my family's medical information. Ideally that app would have cloud syncing of some sort. Well this weekend after scouring the App Market I finally found such an app: ZipHealth. Even better, using Ziphealth turned me on to Google Health which it seamlessly syncs to.
Ziphealth works perfectly so far with keeping track of immunization info for the entire family. You can build a separate database for each person which in turn will sync with each Google Health user you've tied to your account.
Now a word of warning : a lot of people have issues with storing personal health data on Google. As far as I'm personally concerned Google already pwns me so adding my health info to the mix is no big deal. But if you have medical issues of a personal nature then you may not want to sync your info to Google Health (or Microsoft's Health Vault). Fear not though, since you can use the app on a standalone basis.
Ziphealth works perfectly so far with keeping track of immunization info for the entire family. You can build a separate database for each person which in turn will sync with each Google Health user you've tied to your account.
Now a word of warning : a lot of people have issues with storing personal health data on Google. As far as I'm personally concerned Google already pwns me so adding my health info to the mix is no big deal. But if you have medical issues of a personal nature then you may not want to sync your info to Google Health (or Microsoft's Health Vault). Fear not though, since you can use the app on a standalone basis.