The (Upgrade) Path Less Chosen

If no one has already told you- be nice to your company's IT guy; you never know when he can get you out of a jam! Greg (heretoforth known as my guardian angel) has been known to hook me up with all kinds of ridiculous goodies. On my HP Mini he upgraded my ROM to 2Gb and gave me a free copy of Windows 7 Enterprise (and lent me his DVD drive to get it installed!). So of course when I picked up my Asus I was excited to show it to him and see how he could 'pimp' my netbook. He was able to move the ROM from the Mini to the Asus (so that now has 2Gb) and he got me Windows 7 and Office 2010 for it. He also gave me an unallocated 3G Dongle with 5Gb free each month!
I got home and prepared for what I thought would be the reasonable straight-forward task of upgrading my Asus to Windows 7. About an hour later it had installed, but for some reason was showing at an 800x600 resolution, couldn't activate Aero and had no sound. I fought for another hour trying to figure out what the problem was and finally found myself on the support website for Asus. If you are in the same boat I was in and have video driver issues with your Asus EEE 1018p, you can go to this link on AsusTek and download the driver. Install, reboot, and you'll be just fine! Now I've got my fantastic sleek little netbook running full Windows 7, 2Gb of ROM and network connectivity wherever I go! Perfect!
