Android Trick: Change First Day of the Week to Monday

For such an advanced platform, the calendar on Android leaves a lot to be desired. Thankfully, the Market is full of apps that can improve your calendar views without taking up too much space. One of my biggest pet peeves about the native calendar is that it shows the start of the week as Sunday, rather than Monday. Well, here's the simple solution to fix that!
-From your homescreen, click the menu button, then Settings
-Go into Language and Keyboard
-Tap Select Locale
-Tap English (United Kingdom)
Thats it! I tested the keyboard to see if it would then correct "color" to "colour" and as far as I can see, there is no noticeable difference.
This tip also works if you're using the UK locale but want your week to start on Sunday. In that case just set your locale to English (United States)
