Today I got notice that there was a new OS- released for the Bold and downloaded and installed it right away. And, as these things sometimes go, it turned out to be a total nightmare and just kept rebooting nonstop. I couldn't figure out what to do next so I went ahead and did a wipe and went all the way back to OS
At first I thought it would be hard to go back after the glossy extras of OS 5. The threaded SMS, 3D graphics are things that I had really gotten used to. But what I didn't realize is that I had sacrificed about half of my favorite apps because of the low memory on the OS. Once I installed 304 I started adding back some of my favorites- Pandora, Google Maps. And then I tried Sugarsync which had been unable to open files on OS5 but now works again.
All in all, it makes me happy to be back to my old familiar OS. I'm looking forward to getting my Bold 9700 but now the days until then don't feel as unbearable. I had hoped to get the new Bold before my upcoming business trip, but it doesn't seem likely now. It will be nice to have the bells and whistles of the OS combined with tons of extra memory.
And on the professional front- she finally resigned on Monday via mail! More later :)
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
At first I thought it would be hard to go back after the glossy extras of OS 5. The threaded SMS, 3D graphics are things that I had really gotten used to. But what I didn't realize is that I had sacrificed about half of my favorite apps because of the low memory on the OS. Once I installed 304 I started adding back some of my favorites- Pandora, Google Maps. And then I tried Sugarsync which had been unable to open files on OS5 but now works again.
All in all, it makes me happy to be back to my old familiar OS. I'm looking forward to getting my Bold 9700 but now the days until then don't feel as unbearable. I had hoped to get the new Bold before my upcoming business trip, but it doesn't seem likely now. It will be nice to have the bells and whistles of the OS combined with tons of extra memory.
And on the professional front- she finally resigned on Monday via mail! More later :)
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