I Can't Do Without- PockeTwit

One of my favorite pastimes on my phone is Twitter. Ever since I discovered it, I have been addicted. If I had to describe Twitter I'd say its an always-on chatroom. No matter what time of the day or night I go onto Twitter, there's always an interesting conversation to be had. I gained a real appreciation for Twitter while I was nursing- it was great to have people to 'talk' to at all those ungodly hours, and its wonderful to be able to go back and read what I wrote back then.

I've been through all the Windows Mobile applications for Twitter and while ceTwit was my choice while using a QWERTY bar, PockeTwit is a must have to take full advantage of the VGA screen and flicking gestures of the HTC Fuze.

Here's a little demo I've put together of the latest version of PockeTwit doing its thing. My absolute favorite things about PockeTwit?

-Slick navigation (don't let the slightly jerky action of my video fool you. That's more to do with MyMobiler used to capture the video)

-Ability to follow a conversation within the application ( you can't even do this on the Twitter website)

-Ability to see a users timeline

-Ability to quote another user

-Quick and easy search functionality
