How Do You eRead?


I admit to having a heavy addiction to MobiPocket. Even though eReader has recently added the ability to buy and download books OTA, I still gravitate to MobiPocket for all my eBooks.
Here's why I love MobiPocket so much:

-The desktop reader: it provides a nice bookshelf where you can see the covers of all your book and the view a synopsis and read the entire book. All the books I've purchased over the last 4 years are as easily accessible to me as if I had bought a hard copy.

-Cross-Platform support: Not only is there a desktop version, there is also a version for Symbian, Palm and Blackberry. During my time with the Nokia e71, putting my books on it was as simple as opening the desktop reader while it was connected. Mobipocket detected a new device and offered to install the reader and any books of my choice seamlessly. This means that if in the future I do decide to defect to another platform, my books will move easily with me.

-MobiPocket Creator: with this I can convert any PDF, HTML, Txt or Word documents into eBooks and add them to my library.

If you haven't got an eBook solution yet, I highly recommend this freeware. With MobiPocket creator you can even get free ebooks using sources like ManyBooks!
