I was browsing the web and checked out the TechFaith Wireless page to see what they have going on when I stumbled on the Perai-H Windows Mobile Phone which looks exactly like the UBiQUiO 503G, and has the same specs. A search on Google led me to find that the Perai-H was only submitted to the FCC last September, which means that this could very well be coming a carrier in the US soon.
Suddenly, the lack of response from Ubiquio makes perfect sense. If this phone is about to be released on, say AT&T in the near future it would be supported by that company. Ubiquio has probably passed on the information that it gathered from the test subjects (i.e.ME!) and passed the info on. Now watch. AT&T will probably release this phone with a nice sheen on the software to fix the very issues that we 503G owners have been moaning about for months. The good news about this is that there will likely be more accessories and attention paid to the phone now. And if I'm very, very lucky, any released ROM upgrades may just be able to work on the UBiQUiO 503G.
I hate to argue, but mickliq has a point. AT&T already has the Tilt, and most likely the HP 900 and Palm 850 (vaporware!). Considering the track record of MWg and it's predecessor UBiQUiO, I don't know if AT&T would want to touch this device with a ten-foot pole. :/
That all being said, it's a nice device, even if it's memory setup (128/64) is a bit long on the tooth, as most current devices are coming out with 192/96 or 256/128.
Best of luck to your search for PDA Nirvana.