Lately it just seems like the days have been flying by. Our little guy is getting bigger at warp speed, and keeping him entertained and sharpening his mind is a full time job! He has finally settled into some kind of a sleeping pattern (bedtime at 10pm, awake at 8am with a quick feeding at around 4am), which is just great for me.
Next month Seth will be starting daycare and I will (hopefully) be starting a new job. I can't stay at home any longer- seriously. It's been 15 months at home and in that time I have-
-Vacationed in Mexico
-Moved across the country
-Bought a new home
-Furnished and decorated said house
-Turned 30
-Given birth
-Given 24/7 care to Seth for 4 months
So, it hasn't been really idle time per se. But, I realized that I just am not a stay home kind of person- I can only do lunch with the girls so many times a week. Not to mention, my little tech habit is not going away any time soon and even though it hasn't posed any major trauma to my bank account yet, it won't be long now. My tech related purchases over the past year have been:
-Magnavox 42 inch plasma flat panel tv
-Cingular 8525 Pocket PC*
-Ubiquio 503G PPC Phone
-Sanyo Xacti HD700 Camcorder*
-Nokia 770 Internet Tablet*
-Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
-Microsoft Zune Gen1*
-Microsoft Zune Gen2 4GB
-Altec Lansing Zune Dock speakers
-HP Desktop PC with 22 inch monitor
-HP Pavilion Laptop
Wow. When I see it in a list, it does look kind of like a lot. Although, to be fair, there has been a lot of wheeling and dealing and I sold the items marked by an asterisk. Not to mention all the expenses of the baby which have also been substantial.
So, I'll be making the interview rounds and hoping to start working in a month or so.
But there's another contributing factor to why my blog frequency. Previously, I would wake up in the middle of the night to feed Seth I'd grab my Ubiquio and read my rss feeds and, using Egress would pull stories of interest into Mobigasmic. However, my Internet Tablet has changed all that. It now has a permanent home in the guest room, where it is plugged in and propped on the bedside table as a 'clock 2.0'. My late night/early morning routine is to get Seth from his room and take him into the guest room where I nurse him while lying down. I then grab the NIT (nokia internet tablet) from the table and read my feeds using the built in reader, enjoying it on a nice large screen. But the feedreader on the NIT is not conducive to feed sharing in the way that Egress is. Now, my blog entries have to come when I have time during my busy days to make an entry. However, as my regular readers know, Mobigasmic has continued to beat the odds and this May will be FOUR YEARS of this blog!! So, I'm not giving up that easily!