Everyone but Bonnie Cha can hold the Pre

On the last episode of CNET's Dialed In podcast, Senior Editor Bonnie Cha had a minor rant about the Palm execs not letting her hold the Palm Pre on multiple occasions for 'security reasons'. Bonnie suggested that they were favoring celebrities and that would explain why Howard Stern and Jimmy Fallon got to score hands on. Well, Bonnie, 2 non-celebs were spotted with Pres in the their possession with Palm nowhere in sight- hmmm, have you been assessed as a special security risk by Palm?? Haha! Love ya anyways!

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via Boy Genius Report by Zach Epstein on 4/13/09

If you're looking for rhyme or reason, unfortunately we can't offer either for the time being. All we know is this: It looks like Sprint and Palm may be loosening the reigns a bit when it comes to allowing the Palm Pre out into the wild. The image above was supposedly taken at something called "the annual Bring Your Own Big Wheel race". It shows two people, whose identities are unknown, rocking Palm Pres. An eagle eyed attendee spotted them and managed to chat the pair up before snapping a few pics. The stealth photog tells us that the Pre-toting pair claim to have been using the handsets for several weeks now. In fact, they supposedly weren't all that blown away by the device at first, but recent updates to the handsets have converted them into satisfied users. When asked about a public release, the duo's only response was that we "probably won't have to wait too much longer". Could the recent rumors of an April release be on point? Were these naive Sprint or Palm reps who managed to get their hands on the device a bit early? Your guess is as good as ours. In the meantime, hit the jump for some more pics.


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